Frequently Asked Questions
Parents, we know your lives are hectic, and you may not have time to navigate through our website to find all the answers to your questions. We’ve created this page to answer some common questions to which parents need to know the answers. If you can’t find what you are looking for, contact us! We’d love to hear from you.
What is the dress code at Quentin STEM Academy for Health Sciences?
At Quentin STEM Academy for Health Sciences, we believe uniforms help our students focus on what really matters: education. You will find more details regarding our dress code in our handbook, which you will find in the Quick Links section of our Home page.
- Solid dark green/ash gray/burgundy/navy blue shirt with lay-down collar (polos, blouses, button-up dress shirt).
- Sweaters and sweatshirts should be the same as uniform top/shirt colors plus white or black. Only solid color/no logos, no wearing of hoods inside.
- Solid navy/khaki shorts or slacks, no blue jeans, sweatpants, or stretchy materials. (Girls may also wear skirts or jumpers.)
- No labels, tags, or logos may be showing.
- No hats in the building.
- Closed-toed shoes.
What do I do if my child is going to be absent?
Students should remain out of school only when absolutely necessary. In the event of a necessary absence, we request and expect a parent to notify the school. Each campus has an attendance line for reporting absences. You can find our attendance line numbers on the Contact Us page.
Note: Students may not participate in after-school activities or dances unless they have been in school for at least half of the school day.
How much homework will my child receive every night?
The Littleton Elementary School District believes that homework is a valuable learning activity. Homework assignments should take into consideration individual differences of students such as health, ability, conditions at home, and educational resources at home. This way we do not overburden our students with excessive amounts of homework. Below is a guide for the amount of homework you can expect your child to receive every week. Keep in mind this is an estimate.
- Grades K–3: Twenty minutes, four (4) days a week
- Grades 4–6: Forty-five minutes, four (4) days a week
- Grades 7–8: Sixty minutes, four (4) days a week
Do I need to send a lunch to school with my child?
Your child is welcome to bring his/her lunch to school; however, we do offer a lunch service. The Littleton Elementary School District schools are on the national school lunch and breakfast programs. Meal accounts or cash may be used daily to purchase lunch. We have a no-charge policy, and we send a notice home when an account is near a zero balance. We offer students without lunch money an emergency meal, which consists of milk and a sandwich. We encourage prepayment, as lunch service lines go more quickly with account rather than cash transactions. Lunches are $2.50 each ($0.40 reduced), and breakfast is free to all students.
How can I contact the school if I need to talk with someone regarding my child’s education?
Education is a team effort, and parents are a vital part of our team. If you have a question, concern, or comment, we want to hear it! We offer many modes of communication including email, telephone, monthly school newsletters, a News page feature on our website, Facebook, Twitter, online grade book, and parent-teacher conferences. Every effort is made to resolve concerns at the lowest level possible.
Is there a bus my child can ride to school?
Students residing within a school attendance area and who live more than one mile from school are eligible to ride a school bus to and from school. Transportation is a privilege and is not a statutory requirement; it can be revoked at any time. Please have your child ready at their bus stop seven minutes prior to his/her scheduled pick up.
Note: All kindergarten students must have an adult present at their bus stop when being dropped off.